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Selectmen's Minutes - May 9, 1995
            Minutes of May 9, 1995 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn; Joseph
Frisoli, Chair; Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also
attending: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board.

I. Meeting opened: Chair Frisoli called the meeting called to
order at 7:10pm requesting the Bills and Warrants be signed.

II. Announcements: (a) Election Cable Casting: Continental will
repeat the call-in show 6pm May 10th and May 11 at 7pm and the
Candidates Forum held last Sunday on the same days an hour later.
(b) Hanson PTO Letter: Donna Flynn wrote to highlight the
childrens' success with the World Book Partners fund-raising
reading program. 26,567 books were read raising $16,000.
Selectmen requested Nugent draft a letter of congratulations be
sent for reading at the two ceremonies scheduled for May 17,
1995. Kuchinski will attempt to attend the 9:30am ceremony and
Flynn and Murdoch the 1:30pm ceremony.  (c) Memorial Day and
Patriotic Observance Committee: Veterans' Agent Bob Arsenault
wrote to extend Board of Selectmen an invitation to participate
in the Annual Memorial Day Parade scheduled for Monday, May 29 at
9:00AM. Selectmen requested Nugent to follow-up with obtaining
the Annual Memorial Day Proclamation issued by the Governor's
office.  Arsenault also included the American Legion's invitation
to return to the Post for food after the parade.

III. Minutes: Those available for review were April 18, 1995
regular and executive Session; April 25, 1995; May 1, 1995
regular and executive session.  Motion 5/9/95.1: move to accept
the Regular Session Minutes of April 18, 1995, April 25, 1995 and
May 1, 1995. Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion
carried 5-0.  Motion 5/9/95.2: move to accept the Executive
Session Minutes of April 18, 1995 and May 1, 1995. Motion made by
Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

IV. Building Inspector Search Committee: Nugent reported that the
previous committee consisted of members from the Conservation
Commission, Board of Health, Planning Board, Board of Appeals and
the Executive Secretary and that the committee met 2 or 3 times.
They reviewed the applications and did the preliminary screening
interviews and referred 3 candidates to the Board of Selectmen
for the final interviews.  Motion 5/9/95.3: move to establish the
Building Inspector Search Committee as it was composed last time
requesting 3-5 candidates to be forwarded to the Board of
Selectmen.  Motion made by Jones with second by Kuchinski.
Motion carried 5-0.  Jones to be notified of meetings.

V. Transfer of Common Victualers' License: A letter dated April
17, 1995 from Gibbs Oil Company Limited partnership requests that
the License for the gas station store located at the Indian Head
and Main Streets intersection be in the name of Gibbs Oil Company
Limited Partnership (90 Everett Avenue, Chelsea, MA).  Motion
5/9/95.4: move to transfer the Common Victualers' license as
requested. Motion by Flynn, second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.
VI. Sunday Licenses for Ice-Cream Sales: Representative Marini
has done the research necessary to answer the question Tony
Quigley raised at a previous meeting on whether or not the
revocation of the Sunday Blue Laws at last November's elections
negated the need to have this license.  Apparently, there is no
need so monies collected will be rebated.

VII. Police Contract Signing: Union requests signing at the May
23, 1995 meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

VIII. Action Requests: (1) Parade Reviewing Stand: Murdoch noted
that it was unfortunate that the Parade Chair's letter stated
that the reviewing stand for the parade would not be at the Town
Hall because of the Carnival. (2) Congratulations: Flynn gave
Chair Joe Frisoli thanks for his service to the Board and the
Town. (3) Tree Planting: Kuchinski reported attendance at the Cub
Scout ceremony and asked for a letter of thanks for the donation.
(4) Status on all Zoning Violations: Kuchinski asked that a
status report on the proposed small lot development by-law and
all outstanding unresolved zoning violations be received by June
1, 1995.  Nugent is requested to obtain this report for the
Board. (5) Joint Meeting with the Water Commissioners: Kuchinski
requested Nugent to coordinate the next meeting with this Board.
Jones asked to vary the location due to the lighting. (6)
Drainage Committee: Kuchinski reported the next meeting is May
20, 1995 at 9AM. (7) Street Lighting: next meeting should be
early June.  Jones will notify Mr. Gould.

IX. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Rockland Dump: Nugent
reported capping activity proceeding, but that neighbors are
concerned and are investigating the proposed drainage plan.
Nugent to check on drainage plan, the next DEP update meeting.
(2) Route 58: Frisoli noted further holes in 58 from Todesca
attempting to correct paving over water-gate holes. Nugent and
Harris have been in contact with State Engineer regarding paving
and have been assured that compacting will be done for road
integrity.  Sod has been promised for several large islands. If
any citizen has problem with property or county bounds, each
should contact Nugent to be placed on the list for action.

X. Gloria Chin - restaurant solicitation: Request for a permit
for solicitation made on behalf of the Laredo Steak Company
(Route 53 in Pembroke).  Already being done in Halifax, Pembroke
and Duxbury.  Approximately 5 people with badges and a low-key
manner approach businesses and residences Monday through Saturday
Noon until 8pm.  Motion 5/9/95.5: move to allow Laredo Steak
Company business a 30 day solicitation permit effective May 10 -
June 10, 1995 under guidelines mentioned above.  Motion by
Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

XI. Adjournment: Murdoch brought in cake to say farewell to Joe
Frisoli and his service as Selectman. All joined in to wish him
well.  Motion 5/9/95.6: move to adjourn.  Motion made by Flynn
with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 5-0.  Adjourned at